Urihk Pharmaceuticals organized a webinar on the topic- Immunomodulators in critical illness under our very own forum of Advocacy in Immune Modulation in critically ill patients (AIMC) Which was held on 13 June 2021.

Urihk organized a webinar on the subject of immunomodulators in critical illness, which was attended by all the leading physicians across Delhi.

Dr. Yatin Mehta, Chairman – Institute of Critical care & Anesthesiology, Medanta Medicity, Gurugram, served as the event’s moderator.

Dr. Arjun Khanna, Senior Consultant Pulmonology, Critical care, Allergy and sleep medicine, Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital, Ghaziabad and Dr. Gyanendra Agrawal, Associate Director, Department of Respiratory & Critical care Medicine, Jaypee Hospital, Noida, presented their thoughts about Immune Dysregulation and Therapeutic Approach: Sepsis, ARDS and Covid 19.

Further, the event was concluded with a panel discussion which emphasized on immunomodulatory therapies by Eminent Faculty- Dr. Dixit Kumar Thakur, Consultant Pulmonologist, Bansal Hospital, Delhi and Dr. Sanchayan Roy, Sr. Consultant, Internal Medicine & Critical Care, National Heart Institute, Delhi.